No one wants to return to the hospital after being discharged. Yet, millions of patients worldwide find themselves readmitted every year, resulting in a significant burden on healthcare systems and, most importantly, on individual patients and their families. This is where big data analytics steps in. Let’s delve deeper into how big data helps implement […]
Reducing hospital readmissions through big data analytics
BI in healthcare: The key to reducing readmission rates

Business intelligence (BI), also referred to as big data, refers to the capture, aggregation, and analysis of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to help organizations make better decisions about all aspects of their business. In recent years, BI has been applied to the healthcare industry with great success. One area where […]
What’s all the buzz about data?
If an IT consultant told you that backing up data is one of the most important things for your technical team to do well, you’d probably nod in agreement. But what if they suggested that your dirty data requires cleaning prior to utilization? One simple adjective like “dirty” may give you pause, and there’s a […]
Wearable tech for employees: Good or bad?
Make no mistake, healthcare costs are rising. For business owners who are generous enough to offer their employees insurance, this is undoubtedly a cause for concern. And you may wonder, is there any way to protect your employees and not go bankrupt in the process? Wearable technologies may be the answer. Here’s what you need […]
Using big data to increase profit
Pushing the envelope, thinking outside the box, keeping someone in the loop. All of these phrases, and countless more, have had their turn in the corporate spotlight. Thankfully now, in most working environments, they have been consigned to history. However, one buzzword is making the rounds at the moment and – unlike some of its […]