Android devices can be your greatest ally if you’re looking to get more done and make the most of your time. There are seven apps, in particular, that should be on your radar in 2024. 1. Task Management: Todoist Todoist is a versatile task management app that can help you organize your to-do lists and […]
Top 7 Android productivity apps you should download in 2024
Get the best VoIP experience with these apps
VoIP apps let users send messages, make phone calls, and do other tasks through an internet connection. Most apps offer the essential services for free, and they can harmonize with your devices for consistent usage. Here are some of the top VoIP apps. WhatsApp The increasingly popular WhatsApp provides more than just text chats between […]
Skype offers end-to-end encryption feature
Transmitting voice conversations over an internet connection can be risky, with no way of knowing whether or not anyone is tapping your calls. In response to this concern, Skype has just released a new feature that can encrypt all conversations, ensuring more privacy when calling or texting. Benefits of using Private Conversations Named ‘Private Conversations’ […]
Free up Android space with these 6 tips
Living in today’s mobile world, you want everything on the go with you: from songs to photos and videos of your most cherished moments, not forgetting all the latest apps, and all of a sudden, you run out of storage space. Before you start to get panic, try reading some of the tips below on […]
4 how-to’s for Android device printing
Communication is the heart of your small to medium-sized business; you write emails to customers, share documents and discuss projects with your teams over instant messaging apps, all when you’re on the move. But what if you’re trapped in an airport for hours and your colleagues need a document printed right there and then? Don’t […]
Geek speak decoded
Geek speak, tech talk, jargon or whatever you want to call it, computer terminology can be confusing. However, having a basic understanding of some of the words may be beneficial to the non-IT professional. Speaking a basic level of this language can help you clearly explain a computer problem you’re having, and even help you […]
Give VoIP a test drive with these apps
VoIP – the mere mention of the word can send shudders down a business owner’s spine. With such an odd name, it may make little sense to utilize something so unfamiliar in your business. You may want to know more about it before committing to a full blown system for you and your employees. Like, […]
Don’t download that health app just yet
Mobile health applications have been growing in popularity but this doesn’t necessarily mean their effectiveness is improving. In fact, doctors have called for greater oversight and regulation when it comes to health apps as many have never been truly tested. A number of these apps also make false claims about benefits in order to get […]