Get Windows 10 Space Without Buying a New Disk

Always consider freeing up more space on your computer. On Windows 10 devices, it’s almost inevitable that storage will quickly run low as the total file size of photos, videos, and music continues to increase. Still, there are easy ways to maximize your disk space so you don’t have to purchase a new drive unless […]

Why are Windows 10 updates so slow?

Windows 10 users are well aware of the fact that installing updates can take a long time. In fact, you’ll find many users venting about this issue in online forums and complaining to their service providers. So what kind of feedback are they getting, and why are Windows 10 updates so slow? Why do updates […]

Tackling data storage issues in healthcare

Electronic health records (EHR) have enabled the healthcare industry to make spectacular advancements in patient care. But with this new technology comes concerns regarding privacy and security. While many companies are flocking to the cloud, some healthcare practices are creating better solutions with virtualization technology. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices […]

Free up Android space with these 6 tips

Living in today’s mobile world, you want everything on the go with you: from songs to photos and videos of your most cherished moments, not forgetting all the latest apps, and all of a sudden, you run out of storage space. Before you start to get panic, try reading some of the tips below on […]