How to avoid Spectre & Meltdown attacks

Hospitals and clinics have been storing confidential medical files and patient data in highly protected servers. But unless patches are being installed, Spectre and Meltdown attacks could undermine the security of healthcare providers. Why is Spectre and Meltdown a big problem for healthcare providers? Spectre and Meltdown are security flaws in computer chips that give […]

Tackling data storage issues in healthcare

Electronic health records (EHR) have enabled the healthcare industry to make spectacular advancements in patient care. But with this new technology comes concerns regarding privacy and security. While many companies are flocking to the cloud, some healthcare practices are creating better solutions with virtualization technology. What is virtualization? There are countless ways for healthcare practices […]

Who & What Causes A Healthcare Breach

Technology advancements have revolutionized the healthcare industry, but with security breaches hitting an all-time high and shattering records year after year, what and who do companies have to be wary about? Read on to find out. Insiders are a bigger threat than hackers Protenus is one of the largest security vendors for electronic health records […]

Healthcare providers and mobile devices

If you’re a healthcare services provider who utilizes mobile devices in daily operations, you need to ensure the patient data stored and handled by those devices are safe and private. Let’s take a look at mobile data security and some of the ways you can keep your sensitive patient information secure. Why does data security […]

IoT security challenges for healthcare

From mobile apps that assist with taking medicine on time to smart appliances that monitor vitals, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming ubiquitous in healthcare. However, IoT’s expansion brings new risks, vulnerabilities, and security challenges for healthcare practitioners and their patients. IoT security risks Devices that contain a treasure trove of patient data are […]

Blockchain and healthcare: what to expect

Blockchain is the newest technology to fuel the Silicon Valley hype train. Everyone is talking about the wonderful things it can do, but few have explained how it works in layman’s terms. Stay ahead of your competition with a crash course in this new and exciting technology! What is blockchain? Although the technology was first […]

21st century challenges to patient privacy

A few generations ago, healthcare workers had far fewer opportunities to gossip about patients. But with social media and instant messaging, healthcare employees have plenty of opportunities to breach information before realizing what they’ve done. Consider some of these IT solutions to avoid a breach at your practice. Celebrity hospital visits Under HIPAA’s privacy rule, […]

How does telemedicine help patients?

Telemedicine means exactly as it sounds — a medical service delivered via telephone or any communications technology. It sounds like a new development in medicine, but it’s really not. Although there have been many great advances in healthcare, most people prefer the conventional way of getting treatment at the hospital or clinic. Telemedicine, however, is […]

More healthcare firms migrate to the cloud

Healthcare providers have a lot on their plate: Caring for patients is first and meeting compliance regulations comes at a close second. Hospitals and smaller practices truly benefit from technology experts coming on-site, installing all the right IT systems, and leaving clearly outlined instructions, amounting to a swift and inexpensive process. Of course, they still […]