How to safeguard your business during the festive season

As the holiday season approaches, cybercriminals are gearing up for their own version of festivities. The increased online traffic, the rush for holiday deals, and the general chaos offer hackers ample opportunities to strike and wreak havoc on businesses. However, with the right strategies in place, you can fortify your business against these threats. Here […]

The benefits of AI in cybersecurity

In September, cybercriminals were able to hit two major Las Vegas landmarks. Hackers managed to access the frequent guest database of Caesars Palace; because of this, the hotel and casino giant is facing lawsuits for negligence. Meanwhile, cybercriminals disrupted MGM’s operations, rendering ATMs, slot machines, key cards, and their check-in system nonoperational, resulting in about $100 million in costs for the resort.

Enhancing business security: The power of firmware updates

Are you doing everything to protect your business from cyberthreats? You may have overlooked one crucial area: firmware updates. Read on to discover why these updates are key to fortifying your business’s security. What does firmware do? Before we dive into the significance of firmware updates, it’s crucial to understand what firmware is and its […]

5 Holiday cyberthreats and how to avoid them

The upcoming holidays are a time of joy but also a time of stress, especially if you're a business owner. You have to meet the heightened demands of customers during the season, and also deal with shopping, party preparations, and travel arrangements. Unfortunately, there is another potential source of holiday stress most people don’t consider, that being cyberthreats, which become more active and aggressive during this time of the year.

A guide to setting up office guest Wi-Fi

A guest Wi-Fi network is common in many businesses today, and it pays to set it up correctly. Otherwise, it can lead to a less-than-pleasant experience for your customers and other visitors, or worse, it can leave confidential company information vulnerable. In this short article, we’ll guide you through the process of optimizing your guest […]

Android device protection: A guide to removing malware

While the Android operating system’s open-source nature makes it popular among users and developers, it also makes it more susceptible to malware attacks. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to remove malware from an infected Android device. How to remove malware from your Android device If your Android device is infected with malware, […]

5 Scariest healthcare cybersecurity threats

While advances in technology have greatly benefited the healthcare industry in marvelous ways, technology has also made healthcare vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. The combination of limited cybersecurity practices, the storage of sensitive data, and the need to maintain business continuity has made healthcare a prime target for cybercriminals.

What makes VoIP phishing cybercriminals’ weapon of choice?

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phishing, a technique that involves manipulating VoIP technology to trick users into giving up sensitive information, has become a favored tool in every cybercriminal’s arsenal. But why is this so? Let’s take a look at the reasons scammers choose this nefarious activity over other schemes. By unraveling why VoIP attacks […]

How to manage your privacy on Facebook and Twitter

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are a great way to stay connected with friends and family, learn about new things, and share your thoughts and ideas. However, it’s important to be aware of the privacy risks associated with using these platforms, including the collection of personal data. By taking some simple steps, you […]