Office 365’s e-appointment app: Bookings

We all undeniably have hectic schedules, and they’re made even worse with unorganized meetings, impromptu playdates, and unscheduled yoga classes you were forced to attend. In order to move or cancel appointments, you’d generally have to pick up the phone and call someone, which can be a drag. But with Bookings, you can schedule appointments […]

Outlook gets new CRM add-on

Have you ever wondered how sales teams spend their time each week? According to Salesforce, on any given weekday an average sales representative spends more than 70 percent of their time managing emails. Since they are spending more than half of their working lives in their inbox, wouldn’t it be ideal if their customer relationship […]

Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

Picture yourself receiving a phone call from kidnappers saying that they have snatched your only child while demanding a ridiculous amount of money for their safety. Now imagine a similar scenario, but this attack is geared towards Microsoft Office 365 users, complete with a ransom note and an audio message informing victims that their files […]

Optimize daily usage of Microsoft Excel

Recent research by Burning Glass revealed that nearly 8 in 10 middle-skill jobs now require digital proficiency – and jobs that require digital skills pay an average of 18% more than those that don’t. Essentially, the more literate you are digitally, the more money you will make. This means paying extra attention in class (instead […]

Cloud attitude adjustments for success

Not every business owner who migrates to the cloud achieves great results. As much as the service is touted with words like “freedom”, “productivity” and “collaboration”, realizing the full benefits of these words is not a given. So if you’re thinking about transitioning to the cloud, how can you ensure you optimize the technology for […]

Best tricks and shortcuts for Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has become synonymous with document creation in businesses, schools and pretty much anywhere that wants to create electronic text documents. Despite more than one billion users worldwide, several of its most useful productivity features are still unknown to the average consumer. Here are some ways to utilize functions like Find and Replace and […]

What are Office 365 Connectors?

Recently, Microsoft announced a new feature in Office 365 Groups called Connectors. As part of their new openness mantra, Office 365 Connectors allows you to connect with popular third party services without ever having to leave your Outlook client. This means relevant content and updates that you want are sent immediately to your group feed, […]

Help yourself: use these Office 365 features

Need help getting some work done? Fortunately, Microsoft constantly releases new Office 365 features that can help you get an edge on the pile of work sitting on your computer. Among some of the new Office 365 features, you can Skype over a document with your coworkers, plot charts into excel with ease, and even […]

Office 365 migration security musts

More and more small and medium-sized businesses are making the switch from on-premises SharePoint systems to cloud-hosted Office 365. If you’re one of them, it’s vital to ensure that you put in place adequate protection to counter the security challenges that come with the migration. While many businesses contemplating switching find themselves concerned about the […]